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Oil control skin wounds you can not afford mistakes

To the hot summer, you find ways mm are certain to face in the struggle with oil control! Oil control, but the wrong way into a field in a short time will make the face may also appear more serious skin problems. The following eight methods is erroneous, we must be careful not to let the skin because these methods are in danger Oh!

Taboo 1, facial cleaning power much I want this beauty from the network edited, reproduced themselves want to leave the beauty network reproduced source.

Efforts to clean facial cleanser too short in particular seem to wash my face clean, and can play oil control effect. But the long-term use make the skin dry. So, even in the summer it’s best to use a mild, clean your face cleanser moderate intensity. This will better hydrate the skin.

Summer oil control moisture shrink pores two-pronged battle

Taboo 2, complete with oil control products

Many people think that summer has come and oil control is necessary for a full range of skin care products, facial cleanser, toner, lotion all have to use oil control series. This idea is very undesirable, because although the oil control products can reduce the oil on your skin, your face becomes cool, but it is also lead you to an important reason for dry skin peeling. Even if the summer heat a timely manner to the skin moisturizing, water and oil balance is the secret of the face to keep cool.

Taboo 3, absorbing tissues absorb the grease

Susceptible to the summer of facial oil, especially the area even more shiny t learn a lesson. Many people prefer to use the oil absorbing tissues to suck face, to the facial brings temporary dry. This practice is absolutely wrong, oil the higher the frequency, the frequency will increase as oil, face out of oil because of inertia, easy for the skin to secrete more oil.

Taboo 4, wash your face too many times per day

General morning, wash face each night is enough. Do not wash because the oil too many times the face face. The number of face to face too often easy to become dry, and then appeared dry, peeling phenomenon. Face water and oil balance of skin health indicators, if they lose this indicator, the skin will result problems.

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